On January 11 we held our first DHIP Members' Meeting of 2024 at the Pakistan Community Centre. Thank you to all our members who braved the cold weather to attend the meeting and help us launch our first DHIP Impact Report!
DHIP Co-Chair Amjad Ashraf, along with Marie Cowie from Public Health, gave a presentation on the background of DHIP and what the project has accomplished so far, leading up to the launch of the first DHIP Impact Report. Accomplishments include winning the 'Better Together' award for community-based partnerships at the Derby City Council 'Here for Derby' Awards in October 2023!
The DHIP Impact Report highlights and celebrates DHIP achievements and the work of community organisations and Community Connectors to improve health and wellbeing and tackle inequalities. You can read the DHIP Impact Report here.
We also heard from several of our fabulous Community Connectors about the wonderful work they have been doing and Janet Tristram from St James Centre gave a presentation on exploring health inequalities for people who have learning disabilities.
You can see some more photos from the meeting below.
If you would be interested in attending our next meeting, please email us at dhip@communityactionderby.org.uk
We look forward to seeing you next time!